Stories & sUCCESS

inspired by


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We collect and share stories of successful individuals, delving deeper into their lifestyles and perspectives. 

All started by interviewing the conscious mind of motorsport champions and the question, why they are successful and others not. 

From Motorsport we continued to interview athletes of any sport, musicians, actors and successful business individuals. Our mission is to share inspiration. Read more


Life is about stories and unique pathways..

There is no masterplan to live life, but every human has his or her perfect path to peaceful happiness. 

We are curious, we enjoy to interview people and we love stories

take interview

It is the biggest of our passion. We discover stories and love to share them. Whether it is an open talk, a video or an audio interview. We dig deeper.

shoot videos

Inspired by the people we meet, we create short films, documentaries and mood flickers to inspire our mind to change

create podcast

Many people have a beautiful voice and its wonderful to just listen to their passionate story telling. People share their journey on this planet

support entrepreneur

Where ever we can help, we support individuals who have dreams to build their own future, their own company. helps with all the tools to transform an idea into reality. From basic marketing, financing to coaching..


We love to share our stories